Surviving a police encounter

These days even the minimally aware among us are buying the media talking points and are under the impression that police are gunning for those they have sworn to serve and protect. This is especially true for black citizens who, if you are to believe the media, leave the house every day with targets on their backs. I’m not a fan of some police programs-DUI checkpoints and red-light cameras to name two-and while I realize there are a few rogue officers, overall I am an unas...

Rob Peter to pay Paul

This will get some media attention from those on the left, and I agree there’s something special about people on social security disability-those “most vulnerable”-who claim back injury and then belly up to the trough to suck the teat into perpetuity.  I’d argue the program could be easily cut in half, probably reduced even more than that.  And under no circumstances should money to cover these 11 million (and growing) “disabled” be taken from social security. ...


It makes no sense to me why, when there is no evidence that employee “wellness programs” work, they are being foisted down the throats of American workers.  My wife declined to participate in her workplace wellness program, refused to go to the website and fill out their questionnaire.  No, they may not draw her blood or take her blood pressure or weigh her.  No, she won’t answer questions about her personal health habits, lifestyle, and choices.  Is it because she ...

Obama to unveil tax package at State of the Union

I can only assume Obama is hoping that by pre-infuriating me with his release of snippets, he thinks I’ll have wound down by the time he actually delivers his plans for further socializing our fair Republic. So far, we know that part of the master plan involves providing additional benefits-free childcare and college-to some Americans by sticking it to other Americans, namely the “1%.” How he thinks the 1% will not pass these costs down to the little people through incr...


Just the word implies racist connotations and I cannot believe they didn’t change it to “radical ‘less politically incorrect benign name’” since they are founded on a phony “social justice” concept. The innane co-founder of this absurd Brownie troop spin-off said they aren’t telling the girls what to think. No, they’re just letting these young lasses paraphrase the false media/liberal narrative that the world is full of social injustice because “White poli...

Gimmie Gimmie

Periodically I find myself absolutely incensed that a portion of the money I labor for is summarily taken by the government and redistributed by some faceless bureaucrat to people they believe are entitled to a share of my earnings. Furthermore, I take offense that while it’s my “patriotic duty” to tithe to the government for the benefit of others, there will be people who get back from the government MORE than they pay in taxes thanks to write-offs and programs that ...

Thank You Big Government

Why is it I always feel a little less free when big government bureaucrats say they are going to protect me, or something I have, do or want, by regulating me or it? I caught that the drum beat for an open internet was a ruse perpetrated by an agency made up of government appointees with a left-leaning politically driven need to control others right out of the gate. That “net neutrality”, against the wishes of the people we elected to stop this kind of government over-r...


Someone managed to put together enough words to write a column for the Huffington Post accusing Lindsay (point: that is a girl name, so how can he be sexist?) Graham of making a sexist remark about Nancy Pelosi. When there is so much to say about her, going sexist would be unnecessary, but this astute reporter concluded the comment was sexist. See what you think (and I should add, this is second-hand info): “Did you see Nancy Pelosi on the floor? Complete disgust. If you ca...

Missouri parole board played word games during hearings with inmates

This is one of the most appalling stories related to incarceration and parole I think I’ve ever read. I cannot imagine what it would feel like to have paid for my crimes (especially if it was addiction related) only to have to endure this kind of degradation at the hands of court officers. It is unprofessional at best and inhumane at worst. I understand there are hard core criminals, sociopaths, truly evil people in the world…but the vast majority are not, they’ve made ...

Opportunity Lost

So remember how periodically the idea of making I-70 a toll road to fund needed repairs was floated? And every time it was shot down? Well, apparently the opportunity to do so was left to die on the vine because we could have done it, and the legislature didn’t act. Now they are rattling the cages to see if they can raise the gas tax to pay for the roads and bridges. I realize that it’s really just a matter of which pocket the state takes the money from, but I prefer ...